Sunburnt Country, 2018, (Collaboration with ceramic artist Agatha Pupaher), SAINT CLOCHE

Sunset over Seven Hills, 2018, 45 x 55cm, Oil on canvas panel, SOLD

Background story of the exhibition and the collection. : Joanna Cole regularly travels back to outback regions relating to her family and her own history. In Sunburnt Country Cole explores the poem by Dorothea Mackellar … through her own distant perspective of home, Cole illicits a love of “the wide brown land”.

Cole collects samples of soil from the places she visits and adds the dirt into the ceramic glazes - the minerals reacting in the kiln firing resulting in unique effects and colours on the fired vessels “


Flux (Group) 2018 GAFFA GALLERY


Bowral Art Prize, (Finalist) 2018 BOWRAL DISTRICT ART GALLERY